Case File Transfers 448-01-40-40

(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)
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When a household moves from one county to another, the case file must be transferred to the new county with the exception of LIHEAP. For LIHEAP, the household must reapply in the new county.


Case files must be transferred in a timely manner to allow the receiving county an opportunity to review the case. The sending county must ensure the case file and narrative is up to date and all outstanding issues such as IEVS alerts, overpayments and underpayments are completed.


NOTE: If the case is not up to date or there are outstanding issues, it is recommended the receiving county work with the sending county to resolve the issues taking into consideration what is in the best interest of the recipient.


Prior to transferring case files (including all volumes) all unnecessary information must be destroyed. See 448-01-40-45-10 - Case File Destruction for policy on destroying case file documents. Do not include copies of notices or budgets that are available in TECS and Vision that do not include additional documentation.


All actions on the SFN 700 - Case Transfer Log must be completed and included with the case file when transferred. Any special case circumstances must be included on the Case Transfer Log.


Once the case file is ready for transfer, the cases in the eligibility systems must be transferred. A notice of transfer is automatically sent to the household when the case is transferred in Vision. The worker must send the notice of case file transfer to the household when the case is transferred in TECS.


County social service offices must maintain an up-to-date log or inventory of incoming and outgoing cases.


Hard copy case files will normally be transferred by certified mail, although a physical transfer may be cost effective in some instances. When sending by certified mail, a receipt stamped with the date of mailing is received. The receipt includes a unique article number used to verify delivery online. The online verification of delivery must be printed, attached to the original receipt and maintained.


When a case transfers from a county with electronic case files to a county who does not have electronic case files, the county who does not have electronic case files must use the information in FileNet up to the date they received the file. From the date they receive the electronic file and forward, the county who does not have electronic case files must create a hard copy file and include only information received from that point forward. Information stored in FileNet must not be printed off and placed in the new hard copy file.


Note: Requests for access to FileNet must be submitted to the Information Technology Services Unit of the Department.


For specific program policies on case file transfers, see program policies: